
CBD Lip Balm 10ml

Original price was: R65.00.Current price is: R50.00.

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If your lips are constantly dry and irritated, CBD lip balm may be an option. CBD has anti-inflammatory, soothing properties which relieves pain and inflammation. A rich salve to soothe dry, chapped lips. Packed full of natural ingredients to provide a dynamic dose of hydration and relief. Naturally Antibacterial, CBD is antibacterial, so your lip balm will stay free of germs.

Cannabis Product – Not to be compared to full spectrum Hemp!!!

Product Information:

  • Features: Super Moisturizer, Anti Aging, Treatment of Fever Blisters, Treatment of Cold Sores, Rich Salve, Soothes Dry Lips, Soothes Chapped Lips, Natural Ingredients, Dynamic Dose of Hydration, Dynamic Dose of Relief, Lip Balm, CBD Products.
  • Ingredients: Beeswax, Palma Rose, Coconut Oil, Ginger, Lime and FECO oil.
  • Directions for use: Apply to lips, sores or insect bites.
  • Storage Directions and other info: Store in a cool, dry place. Product has a one-year shelf life.
  • Brand: LAKI Health


LAKI Health